How We Help
We offer Bible training and resources to help churches, groups, and individuals to read God’s Word in a way to intimately know God and discern sound biblical truth.
Hi, I’m Kim-Christine!
Since completing my Master’s in Biblical studies, I’m on a mission to equip Believers to read the Bible in its rightful context while being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice. So, whether you’re a ministry leader or someone who is just getting started, I’m here to serve you. Using my education (in hermeneutics), I’ve prayerfully come up with two, simple ways to read Scripture that anyone can do: The PRAY Method and The KINGS! Way.
So, using these two methods, you can intimately know God, discern His truth, and experience His presence in a tangible, life-changing way. May you enjoy intimate conversations with God--the King of Kings, as you spend time in His Word.
A Note From Our Founder
About Our Methods
The PRAY Method
The PRAY Method will help you connect with God through the Bible during your devotional time. This simple method will guide you to prayerfully read and engage Scripture with the Holy Spirit and hear what God is speaking to you directly. (Context, though, is still important.) .
The King’s Way
This is an in-depth study approach to help you understand the meaning of a passage and discern sound Biblical truth. This method includes step-by-step ways to understand the Biblical author’s intended message and apply Scripture with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Kim-Christine’s Bio
About Our Founder
Kim-Christine Duarté is the founder of the Bible Co.* and the Bible curriculum author of meet Me here: Bible Reading Methods to Know and Experience God (Resource Publications, October 2019). Kim-Christine is also the creator of two, step-by-step Bible reading methods: The King’s Way, a Bible study method, and The PRAY Method, a devotional method.
Kim-Christine teaches people how to read the Bible through workshops, podcasts, and wherever the Lord opens the door. She also writes Bible-centered resources that equips Christians to discern biblical truth while being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Kim-Christine earned her M.A. in Bible and Theology from Southwestern Assemblies of God University (2012). She completed her B.A. in Philosophy and Religion from Dakota Wesleyan University (2007). Kim-Christine was born and raised in Seattle. Now, she lives with her family in Franklin, TN.
We can intimately know God through His Word.
We know that you long to intimately know God through His Word. After all, the Bible is God's written Word (logos); it's how He communicates His love and ways to everyone. And, God speaks to us individually (rhema) when we meditate on the true meaning of a passage. So, God's Word can be life-changing when we read the Bible in context and listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to us personally through Scripture.
The problem and the solution.
The problem is that when you read the Bible you find yourself either struggling to understand a passage or feel distant from God. We believe the Bible can transform a Believer's life when they understand God's message in context and hear what the Holy Spirit is speaking to them personally through Scripture.
Coffee with the King is here to help you.
With our resources, you'll learn step-by-step ways to hear what God is speaking to you personally through the true meaning of a Bible passage. In a conversational way, our resources will help you:
Hear God speak to you personally through His Word.
Grasp the true meaning of a Bible passage.
Intimately connect with God through Scripture.
Read the Bible consistently